Calculation of savings

The significant cost savings realized by Husby’s AI-driven approach are evident when comparing the electricity expenses under different scenarios. By leveraging biogas and optimizing our power consumption through AI, we drastically reduce our operational costs.

Calculation of savings for 100 Miners:

1. **savings compared to market cost before AI:**
$27,878.40 - $7,603.20 = $20,275.20

2. **savings compared to market cost after AI:**
$27,878.40 - $4,377.60 = $23,500.80

For larger operations, such as running 300 miners, the cost-effectiveness is even more pronounced.

Calculation of savings for 300 Miners:

1. **savings compared to market cost before AI:**
$83,635.20 - $22,809.60 = $60,825.60

2. **savings compared to market cost after AI:**
$83,635.20 - $13,132.80 = $70,502.40

These savings underscore the importance of our dual strategy: utilizing biogas for sustainable energy production and employing advanced AI algorithms to optimize energy costs.

Last updated